The Avalon Alliance is a group of BC Benefit Companies based in Canada’s Okanagan Valley, Indigenous Syilx Territory, with a “triple bottom line” mission to catalyze positive change and develop wide-ranging solutions for a better world.
We hold an extraordinary, integrated vision of personal, workplace, community and global transformation. Our core value-principles and objectives are uniquely defined, while being in alignment with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and other progressive initiatives. We offer real solutions in this time of environmental, health and socio-economic crisis.
We exist in a matrix of physical and energetic connection with each other and the world around us. Avalon is evolving these intricate relationships with our advanced theoretical framework, nature-inspired design and technologies, intercultural dialogue, and other practical ways to achieve whole systems health and sustainability. Our circular, colour-coded Avalon Mandala relates with our organizational structure and many thematic areas of focus and action.
Avalon SHIFT projects are truly comprehensive: Sustainable, Healthy, Integrated, Feasible and Transformative. We combine professional management, green design-build and certification with innovative technology transfer, stakeholder engagement, educational discovery and training programs.
"One million species are threatened with extinction, and the health of ecosystems on which we and all other species depend are deteriorating more rapidly than ever...It is not too late to make a difference, but only if we start now at every level from local to global...By transformative change we mean a fundamental, system-wide reorganization across technological, economic and social factors, including paradigms, goals and values...Opposition from vested interests can be overcome for public good. "
- IPBES Chair Robert Watson, UN Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services 2019
Dedicated To Building the New Earth, Together
Avalon’s “inside-out” approaches help people realize inner peace, happiness and their greater potential; at the same time, we accelerate outer actions towards improving quality of life, corporate ethics and ecological resilience. We use our thematic sector initiatives, SHIFT model applications and training strategies to transform the built infrastructure, landscapes, lifestyles and working conditions within cities, towns and rural districts.
We incorporate an educational discovery and/or wellness centre into every comprehensive SHIFT development or revitalization project. Avalon thereby optimizes and raises awareness of new eco-technology systems, while catalyzing environmental and health restoration activities in the surrounding area, protecting world heritage and attracting destination visitors. We are establishing a global campus network that we call the Avalon Rainbow Centres for Humanity (ARC for Humanity or ARCH). This is a deep vision requiring much intercultural dialogue and partnership.
Avalon gives attention to beauty and detail, with elegant green design and socio-economic solutions that support human dignity and loving kindness towards all life. We protect the best of the past, while exploring exciting possibilities for the future. We also seek to bridge science and spirituality, and promote unity in diversity, through open-minded discourse and creative collaboration.
Our central Management and Advisory team is heart-based and upholds high standards of practice. We aim to provide interdisciplinary work and training for Avalon’s professional trade guilds and associates, credible marketing for ethical business affiliates, as well as meaningful forms of engagement and learning for project stakeholders and general public members. Our company culture supports authentic expression, camaraderie, a sense of humour and passion for making a difference.
Avalon Alliance has opportunities for everyone to participate, ranging from: healthy home and workplace transitions, district revitalization efforts, green tech and design-build partnerships, to citizen stewardship activities, impact investing, wellness programs and lively cultural events. Please join our membership as we grow a local and world-wide movement for change. Come share in our quest to restore the earth and uplift humanity, so present and future generations can enjoy an inspired, abundant life.
Our Thematic Areas of Focus & Action
Avalon Earth Stewardship
We respect the rights of other species and the sacred elements, by protecting biodiversity and implementing regenerative solutions in harmony with ecological processes and life support systems.
Avalon Ethical Market
We raise the bar for socially and environmentally responsible corporate leadership, support conscious commerce and restore meaning to the greening of products and services.
Avalon Eco-Tech Solutions
We develop, commercialize and integrate into real world applications many eco-engineered technology systems that employ the power and intelligence of nature and the universe.
Avalon Quest Media
We create transformative educational media and dynamic sustainability tools, and engage our membership with access to our world cafe forum and best of new society thought and culture.
Avalon SHIFT Projects
We integrate professional management, green design-build, tech transfer, training and certification into sustainable development partnerships, putting us at the forefront of local and global renewal.
Avalon Rose Wellness
We develop wellness centres and revitalize health facilities with quality of care and programs that reflect the best of holistic therapies, functional medicine, spiritual awareness and compassion.
Avalon Renaissance Events
We design extraordinary cultural facilities, civic spaces and edutainment parks, while producing community events and expressive workshops that are thought-provoking, fun and inspiring.
Avalon Academy Programs
We develop discovery centre interpretation, courses and hands-on workshops with new science, cultural and sustainability themes for guild training, educational institutions and project visitors.
Avalon Unity Fellowship
We engage in intercultural dialogue and study of world religions and wisdom teachings, with respectful local and global outreach to promote peace, mutual understanding and love in action.
Avalon World Centre & ARCH
We envision a global campus network (ARCH) connecting the proposed Avalon World Centre in Canada with educational discovery, heritage and wellness centres in satellite projects world-wide.
Membership Participation
We have many ways for our individual and organizational members to engage in learning and activism, and partner with us in in making community and environmental improvements.
Investment & Giving
We create viable investment and giving opportunities for Avalon-guided ventures and projects, so members can make an impact and realize heart-based contribution and prosperity.
World Of Avalon™ - Upcoming Interactive Platform
The world’s first truly comprehensive “Software as a Service” (SaaS) for healthy and sustainable living. The platform will provide extraordinary inspiration and practical support for our project clients, partners and membership, with some edutainment fun in the mix too!
All of Avalon’s sub brand initiatives will be represented in this exciting digital engine of change. Our comprehensive SHIFT projects and educational approaches integrate many of our colour-coded themes. Avalon World Centre and the ARC for Humanity satellite project network will be our ultimate global legacy.
Digitizing aspects of our SHIFT project guidance system with many educational tools, green design systems and wellness options will fast-track transformation: at home, neighbourhood, workplace, community and global levels of scale. World of Avalon online learning, ethical shopping, membership forum and impact investing will complement our live professional activities, hands-on training programs, outreach efforts and broadly appealing events.