Avalon Ethical Market™ allows Avalon’s membership to exercise the power of choice to shape the economy by purchasing through our upcoming Marketplace Directory and Showcase. By supporting our affiliated businesses and organizations that demonstrate ethical leadership standards, Avalon community members can be a progressive force for regional and global change.
The move towards corporate social responsibility and sustainability reporting has taken off in a big way. In August 2019, 181 leaders of America’s largest companies in their Business Roundtable pledged to serve all stakeholders, not just shareholders. Globally, thousands of companies are now making a transition to more ethical policies and sustainable practices.
An ethical screen means much more than excluding harmful enterprises, like those involved in weapons production or child labour. Avalon’s comprehensive, educational criteria cover environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors of business operations, as well as positive health and sustainability impacts of projects, products and services. All of the enterprises being featured will have substantiated their claims, which can range from efforts to reduce waste and pollution, to corporate philanthropy and fair-trading practices. Listings will also be able to display any cross-certifications, such as Benefit Corps verified by B Lab or OMRI certified organic materials.
Avalon SHIFT also has Healthy Marketplace Hubs as one of our 12 model development applications, and these exciting projects benefit from our certification brand, ethical market criteria and online support as well.
Qualifying businesses and social enterprises gain more public recognition, credibility and other marketing benefits by being part of our Avalon Ethical Market network. Our Ethical Market affiliates can also register to become associates of Avalon for our project contracting procurement opportunities and ethical products/ materials supply chain.
If you are not sure if your enterprise products and services would qualify for Avalon Ethical Market, please take the challenge of completing our exciting SHIFT Workplace Transitions program, which takes greening and organizational development to a whole new level. By successfully completing this SHIFT training certification, you will automatically qualify for the Ethical Market Directory and can be featured in our Showcase. Please note that all certified Benefit Corps and food producers from Avalon SHIFT Organic Kinship Farms will be immediately eligible to be featured in our Directory and Showcase.
More details about the SHIFT Workplace Transitions program will be provided on the website shortly. The online Ethical Market will be launched as part of our World of Avalon Interactive Platform Initiative for 2020. However now is the time to let us know about your business and organization. The first ones in to qualify will get an extra year of listing free of charge!
Apply to become an Avalon Business/Social Enterprise Member.
The upcoming Avalon Ethical Market will present comprehensive ethical criteria in an educational and user-friendly format, to easily understand the advantages of the projects, products and services in our online listings and showcase.
In the age of “green wash” and exaggerated health benefits, many credible companies have sought to establish the authenticity of their claims through third-party verification. However, this verification can be quite technical and Avalon will utilize a complete set of visual icons for each listing to help consumers quickly grasp the specific health and sustainability benefits.
By becoming an Avalon community member, you will be eligible for special Ethical Market discounts and rebates, and a percentage of sales will go to support the humanitarian and environmental causes of Avalon SHIFT Global Outreach.
Avalon’s Ethical Enterprise guild will be comprised of individuals who are business/ social enterprise founders, CEOs, other executive management officers, fair trade advocates, educational marketing and ethical commerce experts that demonstrate leadership in this field. Avalon offers professional learning and project engagement opportunities, as well as the influence of association to benefit the community and the planet.