Organic Kinship Farms
Avalon has specialized expertise and a systematic process to help farms, ecovillages and other agri-enterprises transition to best land management practices, protection of biodiversity and organic products certification. There are custom options like permaculture and biodynamic approaches, with software programs to help financial management and farm operations.
We promote the use of:
- natural compost and soil restoration supplements like Avalon Bio-Minerals
- hedgerow pollinator habitats and other stewardship solutions
- no-till farming methods or minimal conservation tillage
- Non-GMO climate-adapted seeds and heritage varieties
- water/ power saving irrigation systems and other operating equipment
- renewable energy retrofits and green renovation for farm buildings
- biodomes and greenhouses for year-round vegetables, tree nurseries and solar aquatics
We assist farms with planning and design approvals for feasible agri-tourism uses, farm wellness retreats and young agrarian cooperatives. We also help facilitate market expansion into farmers markets, community-supported agriculture (CSAs), organic delivery, farm-to-table restaurants and value-added enterprises. Agri-tourism ventures can also incorporate an Avalon educational discovery centre.
Avalon Organic Kinship Farms must follow not only organic standards but also compassionate animal husbandry practices. By kinship we mean that these farms demonstrate a sense of caring and affinity with animals, plants and the land generally. Some Avalon-certified farms, ranches, wineries and orchards may also choose to become vegan sanctuaries where animals are just enjoyed for their loving companionship, therapeutic healing and valuable contributions to weed grazing, pest reduction and soil enhancement.