We believe there has been too much emphasis on “techno-fix” engineering, and not enough on understanding the transformative power inherent in ourselves, nature and the universe. Science and technology can be utilized in ways that can be either beneficial or harmful, depending on the intent and ethics of the application. What if all life is based in a holographic matrix of immense intelligence, love and quantum energy that can be accessed to expand human potential and meet the needs of our global society?
The environmental and social turbulence of our time reflects the waning utility of the old industrial-era paradigm. The economic illusion of scarcity has depended on the control and exploitation of natural resources, animals and people as cheap labour. This is partly due to an outdated scientific perspective that focused on competitive struggle in nature, rather than the fundamentals of mature ecosystems that rely on cooperation and mutual aid. We now face the challenge of consciously creating new sustainable technologies, settlement patterns and socio-economic structures in harmony with natural systems and processes. Let’s reach towards a new culture of ecological innovation, unified field discovery, quantum abundance and dignity for all life.
Over the years, the Avalon Alliance has been developing several exciting eco-technologies. Through Avalon EcoTech™ we aim to have a global impact through the manufacture, distribution and application of these core technology systems, and they will be licensed and integrated into our SHIFT development projects. Each of these nature-inspired solutions deals with an important aspect of the built and living environment. Combined together, they should create a remarkable difference in improving community health and restoring ecological life support systems.
We also aspire to support other parties that want to commercialize their inventions that are based in sustainable design, new energy, eco-engineering and quantum science for the higher good. As part of our new Avalon Sustainable Ventures investment stream for EcoTech enterprises, we can partner with individual inventors and new tech company applicants by providing more technical and marketing support, manufacturing industry expertise and financial resources. Please see section on Investment and Giving.
Avalon Bio-Minerals are our own patent-pending solutions invented by Laurel Zaseybida and the late Bonnie Wilkes. We address the crisis of depleted and contaminated soils, water pollution, and the decline in vitality and resilience of humans and nature to stress and disease.
Avalon is developing novel non-toxic fertilizer that combines biological ingredients with rock/sea minerals to rebuild the very foundation of agriculture. Our goal is superior soil structure and ecology fortified with a complete range of vital macro-minerals, trace elements and microflora. Ingredients are organic and no slaughterhouse by-products are being used.
These composite bio-minerals also have derivative product applications for forestry and ecological restoration, industrial pollution clean-ups, water treatment, animal/ fish feed and health supplements.Our innovative product lines will be tailored to different regional climates, soil types and technology application modes. Bio-availability and energetics will be optimized, and other synergistic natural processes accelerated, through our novel product composition and processing. The safety and efficacy of our product ingredients are supported by extensive prior art and ongoing research efforts, and will be ethically sourced by requiring supplier best practices.
Avalon would like to move forward with significant matching funding interest previously committed by university and government agency partners, towards full commercialization, manufacture and distribution of these product lines. We require more private capital to complete this process, and are now open to investment inquiries.
Higher environmental and energy performance standards can only be achieved by considering the buildings, natural ecosystems, power and water utilities, sewage, waste products, communications and transportation as an interactive whole. Avalon’s comprehensive SHIFT planning and design process integrates all these functions and employs the power of nature in ecologically-engineered infrastructure, for both building interiors and outdoor landscapes.
Conventional municipal servicing and turf parks can be expensive and may degrade the environment through chemical sewage treatment, stormwater drainage outfall, overhead transmission lines, high maintenance “lawnscaping”, use of herbicides, and so on. Moreover, protection of natural assets and eco-engineered solutions are now being valued as contributing economic benefit to municipalities, and should have reduced Development Cost Charges (DCCs) compared to conventional servicing.
An Avalon comprehensive development is self-reliant and designed to:
We call Avalon’s multifunctional, cost-effective infrastructure our Ecological Landscape Utility System or ELUS ™. This system is designed more for a rural or urban fringe microgrid application, such as a comprehensive resort development or an ecovillage community. ELUS components are also inherently part of our Eco-Building Synergy ™ designs and larger energy grid systems in eco-infrastructure districts we call ELESIUM ™.
Avalon New Energy ™ begins with a comprehensive approach to energy efficiency and conservation for residential, commercial and other sectors. Currently we are working on a community-wide programming level with utility provider FortisBC for small town applications in the BC Interior region.
Our approach to land use planning and development also incorporates sustainable design approaches, renewables like solar and wind, advanced energy storage, electric vehicles, green rail, intelligent products and breakthrough inventions into integrated community energy systems (remote off-grid, microgrid and macrogrid network integration).
Community energy districts incorporating net metering of renewable energy sources are being promoted in Canada and to a greater extent in many other countries. Retrofitted buildings can be interconnected to become community energy and economic generators, entering the global green infrastructure market worth trillions of dollars. In some parts of the world, community homes and buildings are already “energy plus”, generating more power to the grid than they consume.
Avalon is working on an advanced proprietary concept for larger scale microgrid to macrogrid integration, that includes multimodal transportation networks and other special features, which we call ELESIUM ™. The integrated ecological systems design, healthier energy grid technologies and related operational software being developed are quite innovative, although there are many known system components with precedents in the market.
We also seek to apply the latest advances in breakthrough energy technologies, subtle biofield resonance, vortex mechanics and biomimicry (design of structures and processes modeled on biological systems). We aspire to go beyond reliance on conventional renewable resources, and practically realize the unlimited potential of nature and the unified field (scalar or source energy). At this time, there are working prototypes of Tesla resonance systems, as well as “overunity” motor/generators, water-based technologies and magnetic devices, but very few models are practically integrated into buildings, infrastructure or modes of transportation. Avalon New Energy hopes to help change that soon.
Our intention is to also create extraordinary living environments expressing the harmonics of nature and wellness and utilizing EMF protection technologies. Towards this goal, we are designing a proprietary Living Sanctum Energizer ™ that could have many residential, commercial and institutional uses, as well as district-level applications.
Avalon Eco-Building Synergy ™ are design-build systems for green residential, commercial and institutional buildings, usually within the context of mixed use comprehensive developments and community energy districts. These eco-engineered buildings are intended to work with Avalon’s Ecological Landscape Utility System ™ to achieve the highest environmental standards, energy performance and life cycle efficiencies. At the same time, our multifunctional designs aspire to be aesthetically appealing, healthy, and sensitive to community character and place.
Avalon has been exploring the use of indoor manufacturing facilities for certain building module components (walls, insulation, doors and windows). This core module assembly process and faster on-site finishing reduces environmental and neighbourhood impacts. It also can reduce costs and achieve better quality control, trades reliability and year-round production.
We aspire to go beyond reducing impacts to designing built structures that actually restore natural systems and our health (“energy plus” standard and “regenerative design”). The upcoming SHIFT interactive platform will help guide and manage the construction process and facilitate further refinement of the building styles and eco-technologies. Building performance efficiencies can be verified through modeling analysis and scientific thermal testing. These Eco-Building Synergy systems can be adapted and marketed to different climatic regions, cultures and economies, with our SHIFT licensing agreement, educational software, services support and phased certification process.
Avalon invites pioneering engineers, ecological designers, scientific researchers, inventors and academic leaders from both public and private institutions to join our Eco-Technology Guild. This guild will collaborate with Avalon’s other specializations to help conventional institutions, agencies and associations integrate emerging fields of knowledge into built and landscape design, professional development, research and programming. With progressive university, college, P3 investment and accelerator support, Avalon intends to fully commercialize its own innovations, as well as partner with other inventors and tech companies to support their success too.
Avalon’s own project initiatives and SHIFT development partnerships incorporate Educational Discovery Centres, which can include on-site eco-technology learning opportunities. Avalon Academy is developing new curriculum and training programs for people of all ages in subject areas ranging from quantum physics, unified field theory and the new biology of consciousness, to applied models of breakthrough energy, design by nature and the implementation of disruptive green technologies.