Our master-planned vision of an Avalon World Centre campus village and surrounding eco-district in Kelowna, BC Canada is extraordinary. Avalon World Centre will be the ultimate showcase of our unique sustainability models, green design-build systems and integrated eco-technologies. This proposed “living-learning centre of excellence” will also advance global peace, holistic health, conscious commerce, multicultural arts, new science and education.
Avalon World Centre in Kelowna will be linked with smaller Avalon-certified satellite projects across the world. We call this global network the Avalon Rainbow Campus for Humanity, or ARC for Humanity (ARCH) for short. In this time of widespread climate change and social crisis, these satellite learning hubs spanning the planet are intended to offer hope and inspiration to people everywhere. Most Avalon SHIFT-certified projects will include unique educational discovery facilities and/or wellness centres for visitors as part of our global destination network.
The symbolism of the rainbow draws from many different cultural perspectives. The Western religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, all reference the story of Noah’s Ark. In Genesis 9 of the Bible, God makes a merciful promise never to send another flood to destroy all life on the planet. It reads: “Whenever the rainbow appears in the sky, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the Earth”. Some Eastern religions like Tibetan Buddhism say that the rainbow body appears visible with the awakened consciousness of ascending masters. The LGBT rainbow flag represents the modern movement for universal human rights, social equality and dignity for all people, which must be upheld in this great transition. Whether we live in the West or the East, the rainbow is a sign of hope, amid our efforts to protect and renew the best of this world as we know it.
Avalon World Centre, a global campus village and eco-district, is an inspiration that came to founder Laurel Zaseybida. This remarkable vision became more defined and expansive in the vicinity of beautiful Scenic Canyon Regional Park in Kelowna, BC, from the mid-1990s onwards. The seeds of this vision were actually in Laurel from an early age, motivating her to travel the world and study places where people could exchange their culture and knowledge in a spirit of friendship and peace. Our organization’s understanding of this proposed “Mother Centre” for the Avalon Alliance continues to build and grow deeper over time.
The first universal city Auroville was founded by the Mother Mirra Alfassa and her spiritual consort Sri Aurobindo in India in 1968, as an experimental township where people from all over the world could realize human unity, with support from the Government of India and UNESCO. Men and women are able to live here sustainably and in peace beyond all creeds, politics and nationalities.
Many other great centres for humanity followed, like the Findhorn and Damanhur communities, as well as holistic learning centres like the Omega Institute and New York Open Center. Other innovative projects globally include Education City in Qatar, the Eden project in the UK, and Masdar City in Abu Dhabi. Avalon World Centre will be developed at just the right time, when our community is ready for it.
Some of the exciting features of Avalon’s vision include:
The proposed campus will be open and accessible to the local community and destination visitors of all ages and backgrounds. The area’s environment has extraordinary geological features, natural ecosystems, cultural history, and recreational value. Thus special development and conservation zoning, world heritage designation, low impact transportation and other forms of protection will be sought.
World architecture themed facilities and programs with exceptional depth and integrity are being designed to assist people and organizations in realizing their full potential. The programming and outreach services will encompass all aspects of life, from the inner world of psyche and soul to the outer concerns of society and ecology. The World Centre project will be developed with many local and international partners, providing pioneering leadership and holistic research in the evolution of sustainable approaches for the new millennium.
A conceptual development plan, market research, financial analysis and design drawings for the Avalon World Centre and a surrounding Sustainability District have already been completed. Due to the sensitive nature of securing agreements with area landowners and City approvals for a future Area Structure Plan submission, these documents are confidential and not available for public review at this time. However, if you are interested in participating in the future development of the World Centre as an investor, foundation, landowner partner, government agency or academic institution, you may contact Avalon’s President Laurel Zaseybida directly. The signing of an NDA/ Non-Compete Agreement will be required for any detailed disclosure.
In this time of serious climate change, spiritual prophecy is not an excuse for complacency – we must all do our part. We must be like the courageous Rainbow Warriors of Native American lore: “When the Earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, and a new tribe of people shall come unto the Earth from many colours, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the Earth green again. They will be known as the Warriors of the Rainbow”.
Just like Noah’s efforts to save many species in his big boat, Avalon is aspiring to establish a global network of satellite centres protecting the world’s natural biodiversity and cultural heritage, while showcasing the best of a new sustainable civilization. In many ways, this vision seeks to fulfill the important objectives of UNESCO, the United Nations’ Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization.
Avalon’s rainbow-coloured Mandala also reflects our understanding of the electromagnetic field, the human energy body, holistic integration, and the potential for humanity as an integral part of Earth Mother Gaia to make a dimensional shift in consciousness. We believe that the planet can be saved and transformed, but we need a network of inspiring hubs to uplift and regenerate surrounding regions.
Thus we are establishing satellite learning and wellness centres with Avalon programming and hands-on training, each reflecting their unique theme, cultural heritage and environment. Any comprehensive SHIFT-certified projects that are developed with significant educational discovery or wellness facilities will become part of ARCH.
The proposed Avalon World Centre district in Kelowna, BC, will become the headquarters and most comprehensively designed “centre of excellence” in this network. Ongoing support, promotion and communications between the satellite centres and Avalon headquarters will be greatly facilitated by having the World of Avalon interactive platform and many regional membership chapters in place. Six global offices will ultimately be established to coordinate efforts in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Oceania. We will also connect the ARCH network with other well-known centres and projects who wish to cooperate, share knowledge and receive visitors through our travel-volunteer program Avalon Journeys.